Web Designing Services

Web Designing Services Lahore

Adoptive layout design taken start from (800 x 600) resolution in 1998 and became a standard of website resolutions. Then the beginning of year 2004 (1024 x 768) resolution became the standard and Table mixed DIV tags was the standard of Coding, and later in 2009 (1280 x 996) and DIV tags became new generation of website resolution and coding. But on mobile devices it was hard to read the contents of the website on mobile devices e.g. imate, windows mobile, blackberry etc.
Adoptive website design takes its start from Frames structure using MS FrontPage. Then it got shifted in Dreamweaver environment with TABLE base html coding with all inline CSS. After a few years DIV Tags introduced and they become the standard of Website Designing Companies around the world. Table and DIV type coding is the standard in these days for HTML implementations. Adoptive technology has reached on the max-width container of 1280px resolution. This method of coding based on margin:auto; for main containers/wrapper and all inner DIV on float attribute. This way of coding carry a fixed width of main div and all inner DIVs that even if a single pixel is increased whole the design move to down wards. While coding in Adoptive structure, calculation of pixels is always being continued in mind all the way of coding the template, iFrames was an outstanding increment in adoptive structure after Frames old method usually utilized for external pages data preview in any website page. iFrames got popularity at a high levels and it helps out the coders from Java Scripts confliction on any html page. Indeed Adoptive Design is also being used around 50% in all the web designing work by website designing companies worldwide.

Responsive Web Designing Services Lahore

Responsive grid system has buried the old Adoptive fixed width method of coding, 75% users who developing their websites are switching to responsive layout of website designing. As word Responsive explain its myth, means it adjusts automatically on any resolution especially on Touch Mobiles, Tablets etc. It works on Grid System based on Media Queries controlled by CSS. No matter if using Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Touch Phone all the stuff could be seen easily. Real Web Idea keeps your website on responsive layout using fluid grids, flexible Images, CSS media queries and screen resolutions. We are working as a Website Designing Company in Lahore Pakistan.
More to understand about responsive; its single URL is being used for Desktop as well as on Tablet and Mobile. That is why users can share on their social media profiling pages etc. Even for Google indexing through webmaster only 1 website URL will be indexed for contents. Its easy for Google to find your website data/content in better way that reduced the Organic SEO cost for website owners. Now they just pay for 1 URL bases SEO for all mobiles and desktops/laptops. Responsive website designing is a method that trigger that whole the website should respond as per the current screen resolution accordingly on mobiles either you keep its view as Portrait or Landscape, it auto adjusts the contents altogether automatically. Fill out Signup, Sign In and Inquiry forms on mobile devices using different websites was a hassle procedure due to its unfocused view on mobile. But responsive website designing in Lahore Pakistan has now made this myth easy to fallout in a delicate view.

Benefits of Responsive Website Designing

  • 1 website on different resolutions and devices
  • Different layouts for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile
  • Adjustable fonts sizes for all resolutions
  • Recommended by Google for Organic SEO
  • SEO FRIENDLY even on Mobiles with no extra effort
  • SEO FRIENDLY in Mobile Search as from 2016 mobile search has become a standard
  • In Near Future Mobile searching facility will occupy the desktop search
  • Single content for both desktop and mobile version.
  • Partial contents show and hidden facility
  • Website Menu in smart view on mobile
  • Easy to maintain contents dynamically

What is Responsive Web Designing and how it Works?

Internet and technology brought up a revolution in our lives and both of them have so much influence on our lives. In the past the internet and web grow along with the desktops but now it is on the craziest level of its proliferation. The common trend of using internet and visiting web sites only on desktop is now been demolished after the introduction of use of internet smart devices like mobile phone and tablets. We have almost everything on the web at present whether it is education, shopping, business, job or something else. This has made out relationship with the web, stronger as it was in the past. Because the present generation using the internet not only for entertainment or education but doing much more with it. This frequent use of internet on multiple devices questioned the need of advancement in the web design to the web designing company. Because, a normal web site is not compatible with all the devices having different range of display and opening a standard web sites on mobile or other smart devices is not that much successful. That’s why the web developers introduced Responsive Web Designing.

What is it?
Responsive web designing refers to that web which has a feature of adjustment in it; this is a site which is compatible to all the devices and gives full view of information in different patterns. Each and every web designing company around the world at present is using the responsive web design to develop web sites for their clients that can be run on any device. Same as like the other countries responsive web designing in Pakistan is also at its boom, because in web designing Pakistan is progressing so much and just like the other regions of the world people in Pakistan are also using multiple smart devices for internet browsing in their daily routine.

How it Works?
The operation of responsive web design is simple it has the features like fluid grid concept, flexible images and media queries. All the three features make the web completely friendly and flexible for the devices and adjust the size, design and components of the web according to the display features of the device easily.

One for all
Every device demands different features form the web to display it on the screen and it is difficult for the business developers to get multiple sites for their same business and each separately design for each device with different domains. That’s why here is the responsive web designing which has the feature of “one for all”. The promotion of business online and using web’s trend has proliferated in Pakistan as well. Almost every businessman has a web site for the promotion and development of his business and to satisfy this need in Pakistan, the web developers adopted responsive web designing in Pakistan as well. Like the other fields, web designing Pakistan is progressing and combating the other web designer all round the world and it is proved by the adoptions of latest web design strategies by the developers.

Mobile Phone Web Designing Services Lahore

All adoptive website owners should carry their mobile version for their iPhone, Android Phone and Blackberry cell-phones. It has been announced that 70% of internet users will access their online needs using internet on Mobile Phones rather than on desktop computer or laptop. Because if you are sentimental in your website SEO traffic then you should care about the 60% of mobile users they are not seeing your ranking on mobile browsers altogether. Mobile website are not very huge or full of contents like your existing website but a simple and short contented design with few main features approaching Awesome design for your client. When anyone open up our your website on mobile it automatically transmit the mobile version of data, because website user only will type your website url e.g. www.realwebidea.com it will be triggered automatically on mobile version.

Benefits of Mobile Website Designing

  • Small Screens of mobiles but bigger website view
  • Small fonts displayed as bigger as could be read easily
  • Website Forms perfectly displayed
  • Website Menu in smart view
  • J Queries instead of Flash
  • Clicking on Phone numbers will be triggered to make a call option directly
  • GPS system is usually installed on smart phones now a days to search better
All the adoptive website owners should think that if you have a mobile version of your website. Then clients did not fill out hassle forms, they will simple click on your phone numbers and will make a call immediately for his inquiries and questions.
Mobile website designing is not as simple as being thought. Many people has their own theory that adoptive website designers can develop their Mobile website or Responsive website altogether. Mobile phone has different method of coding than ordinary desktop websites. Mobile Website Designing Companies should take care of various elements before the development of mobile website to be started e.g. it has to determine that it would be displayed on various mobile devices with different resolutions. Never use unwanted date on mobile website version. Web pages sizes should be smaller in size else no one will stay on your website if it takes long time to load.
As competition has increased and competitors are giving tough time to their relevant business companies. Why customer should choose your website to give you business. It could be possible if your website is delicately designed for mobile users, loading time is very low and content are based on the core value of your company. This could make your online impression on your clients and in fruits you will get a better business than before.


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